Saturday 29 August 2009

Youthful folly

I was sifting through my old MySpace today and I came across this blog post from february last year. How 18 months can change a boy;


I'm going to tell you my 10 most recently played songs on iTunes as of 12:47 on Thursday 21st February;

Just Because You Sleep Next To Me Doesn't Mean You're Safe - Gallows
Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa - Vampire Weekend
Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger - Daft Punk
Digital Love - Daft Punk
Aerodynamic - Daft Punk
One More Time - Daft Punk
Dry Lips - Lightspeed Champion
D.A.N.C.E. - Justice
Phantom Pt. 2 - Justice
Phantom - Justice

Pretty mundane, I'm sure you'll agree. At the moment I'm listening to the veritable ho-down that is the soundtrack of Oh Brother, Where Art Thou (good film). Oh no, it's changed.

It's nearing the weekend of half term, ie the end of half term and the start of what will be an interminable slog towards GCSE's. I have these things to not look forward to over the coming months;

1) Being told every 5 minutes I have to "revise, as you did shit in your mocks as you are a shit person".
2) Not going to Reading, as I am short of cash. Then again, if the headliners are to be anything like last year I'd rather stay at home listening to remixes from luscious French producers on The Hype Machine.
3) Not going to see any gigs I want to go and see/go out when I want to/generally do anything that doesn't constitute hermitage, as I have to "revise, as you did shit in your mocks as you are a shit person".
4) My teachers being on my case all the time, as I underachieve and whatnot. You might have figured that out by now.

Effectively, I will become reclusive and just generally fall by the wayside of society of the next few months. There are a few shards of light keeping me from buying a rabbit and honing it into some twisted superbeing, nourishing it with dead bees and my toenails. For one, tomorrow is Happy Day. It has been so since February 22nd last year, when we went to the "NME Rock 'n' Rave Tour" (oh dear). Still, we met Klaxons and got our names shoved into The Bouncer, so for a brief moment we were veritable superbeings, other-worldly entities existing on a higher plain to you mere mortals. I am certain that tomorrow will be just as good, as I am off with my two bestest buddies to see, among others, The Cribs. It should a giddy experience.
Also, in the month of April (nothing good ever happens in March), I am doing work experience at Transgressive Records. For those who do not quite understand how amazing this is, let me explain in visual form;


Times, like, a thousand.

Also in April (at the tail end, with exams looming) I am off, in a rare show of generosity from my elders, to see a performance of Steve Reich's Music For 18 Musicians. Due the fact that this is one of my favourite "classical" pieces in the whole world ever, and Steve Reich one of the few living people that I consider to have pure distilled genius running through their veins (others being Thom Yorke, Patrick Wolf, David Shrigley and Bret Easton Ellis) this is exciting. Very, very exciting.

I am now bored, and I think there may be some crumbs or morsels or something else that constitutes lunch waiting for me downstairs, so I will leave you, for now, with this thought, from Yankel D;

"I had to do it for myself.
I am not sad."

I had to Google Yankel D to remind me where he's from (fucking amazing book).

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