Tuesday 9 June 2009


Ok, so I haven't updated this in forevertime. I'd love to say it's because of exams, but it's more just out of laziness/the fact that I'm the only person that reads this anyway.

As alluded to above, in my time away I have indeed taken my AS-Levels. They went well, I think. Our drama piece came together approximately 2 minutes before we went on stage, so victory for us. Aside from revising like a motherfucker (sort of), I've also become addicted to 'My Super Sweet 16 UK' and those videos of the people who autotune the news. And I've decided that Holst's The Planets is a dire and direly over-rated piece of music.

Other tings have happened, obviously, in the wider world. Namely the rise of fascism, hooray. A sad day it is when we vote in a holocaust denier. To paraphrase one of my "followers", yay forever.

I've also turned 17, which did little except highlight how I'd absolutely wasted being 16. I endeavour to not be ... well, I'll still be an alienating and lofty little bastard, but just one that now goes out more and has a few more friends.

To pass the time, I've written a lot of new songs, too. Not that you or anyone else would know, as they've never been available to the wider world. Soon, though,
That's about it. More thought-tracking to come. Stay atuned, if not tuned,
xxxx (I think I'm dropping the big X)

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