Monday 27 July 2009

Exit pursued by a bear

Do they have bears in the Czech Republic? It seems like the sort of place that would have bears. And a drinking age of 7, apparently. So yes, I'm leaving for Prague-via-Bohemia in about 2 hours. It's going to be great, I've wanted to see it for ages. I'm going with the yute orchestra I make sound worse for a week of and looking at beautiful countryside (and hunting down Kafka and berating him for ever writing 'The Trial'. I can see why you never wanted that published).

Just realised I haven't posted in ages, but also have nothing to say. This is more a continuity announcement than anything, if I had left it another week y'all might have thought I was dead or something (yeah...). Here are some useless things I have learnt in the past weeks;
  • Always take an umbrella to Cambridge. In fact, in the British summertime, just always take an umbrella. Come on, fucking hell, it's the END of JULY.
  • Always take a spare. Condom, lighter, cello string, whatever. But mainly cello string.
  • Never listen to Joy Division on dark, quiet streets at 3 in the morning. I was a shivering paranoid wreck by the 2nd verse of 'Twenty-Four Hours'.
  • Always have yourself as a support system.
  • Iggy is on the way to redeeming himself.
  • John Steinbeck > William Faulkner.
So yes, off again for a week. Then back. Then off for another week. But the weeks in between I shall pounce, or at least endeavour to.

Look after yrselves!

1 comment:

  1. Faulkner pushes Steinbeck into the mud and makes him eat worms in front of the whole class. Then he takes his pocket money and uses it to buy more worms for Steinbeck to nyom.

    Know why? Because "As I Lay Dying" is the king.
